Cozy Getaway to Lake Superior, Minnesota

After a couple months of living in Minnesota's Twin Cities we headed "up north" for a winter getaway. As we drove along the empty roads, surrounded by pine trees weighed down by mounds of snow upon their branches and pulled up to our log cabin with smoke escaping from the chimney, I couldn't help but think that we were in one of the numerous holiday movies that I oh so love watching. It's unfortunate that I related the beautiful scenery that was before me to that of an artificial movie scene, but when you grow up in California where "winter weather" is considered to be a crisp 50 to 60 degree day, there really isn't anything to prepare you for winter in the Midwest. The cabin sat upon the shore of Lake Superior, creating a chilling breeze and beautiful view from the window. Despite being located near the lower corner of the lake, when we looked out upon the water we saw it continue into the horizon, unable to see to the other side. Lake Superior sits as the largest fresh water lake in the world, with its volume of water being able to cover north and south america with one inch of water! All the lakes we were used to were Californian lakes whose water levels have been diminishing greatly over the years due to the never ending drought. In my head it almost seemed wrong for a lake to have the appearance of an ocean's vast greatness from the shoreline. 

We spent our days snowshoeing around Gooseberry Falls, making our way along the deserted trails. Our footsteps broke the silence of the muffled snow and disrupted the freshly fallen, smooth snow. If you have been feeling like you need to "get away and think", I highly recommend going to the snow. In a culture where we are surrounding by social media's screaming match in vying for our attention and are continually encouraged to always be moving because that's the "American way", it truly was a breath of fresh air to be in an environment that was completely silent. 

Back at our hotel we drank hot chocolate in the jacuzzi in our room as we watched the snow fall outside. Fluffy dogs ran around outside, tossing the snow up as they ran back and forth between their owner and a recently thrown branch. After warming ourselves we headed back out into the snow for more snow shoeing (i was hooked!). Hiking up rocks we stumbled and awkwardly made our way up the Superior Hiking Trail with our large, but thankfully clawed, snow shoes. I was mildly concerned that a bear would appear around the corner seeing as we were in what felt like the middle of the forrest, so I low keyed tried to make noise so as not to frighten said imaginary bear. Logical, I know. 

As the day came to a close and we lay on the bed ready to watch a movie, my body was heavy with relaxation and my heart was incandescently happy. The last time I was this relaxed was during my time in Hawaii when I would float in the ocean for hours, swaying with the waves. Who knew the same feeling could be elicited by complete opposite elements! Needless to say, I am eager for a another future snow getaway!